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App Analytics: what it is, importance and tools

Discover the advantages of using this type of analysis to monitor your application and understand the target audience.

App Analytics is a fundamental tool in today’s technology landscape, where understanding user behavior is crucial for product optimization and boosting digital businesses. In Brazil, this field has been gaining increasing prominence as the use of smartphones continues to rise, and the digitization of services advances faster than ever.

According to the data analysis platform, our country had over 235 million mobile devices in 2021. This significant number indicates that the quantity of smartphones in Brazil exceeds 100% of the population, meaning that many Brazilians have more than one mobile device. These numbers position the country prominently in the global mobile technology market.

According to, Brazilians spend an average of about 4 hours per day using applications on their smartphones. This statistic not only reveals the popularity of applications but also emphasizes the importance of understanding how users interact with them, which is essential for companies that rely on applications to provide services, products, and content to consumers.

What is App Analytics? 

App Analytics involves using one or more tools to analyze the entire user journey within applications. Through them, we extract information such as, for example, which content your users interact with, how much time they typically take to complete a specific task, and when they decide to exit. With this data, it’s possible to facilitate the identification of elements in your application that hinder user retention and engagement, such as non-intuitive features or even unoptimized conversion funnels.

A good App Analytics tool generates real-time analyses and reports to help answer questions like:

Why is it important to use App Analytics?

Understanding the user experience is key to growth

With increasingly diverse and demanding customer profiles, companies need to constantly innovate and improve their offerings to stand out. A study by McKinsey consultancy revealed that 71% of customers expect companies to provide personalized interactions, and 76% become frustrated when this doesn’t happen.

As mentioned earlier, through App Analytics, it is possible to collect valuable data on how users interact with their applications, tracking metrics such as average usage time, most visited screens, conversion rates, etc. With this information in hand, companies can make informed decisions on how to improve the user experience and increase the effectiveness of their applications.

For example, if a user adds a product to the cart but doesn’t complete the transaction, App Analytics can be used to determine at which point in the journey they stopped and adapt the marketing strategy. If the customer abandons the payment page, you can send an in-app message offering a discount code to encourage them to complete the purchase.

Improving decision-making through data is no longer an option

Furthermore, App Analytics also plays a crucial role in the development of targeted marketing strategies. Understanding who the users are, where they come from, and how they behave within the application allows companies to direct campaigns more effectively, increasing user engagement and retention. In other words, app analysis is vital for understanding to what extent your application is meeting user needs and what improvements can be made.

In this scenario, App Analytics is no longer just an option but a necessity for companies seeking success in the Brazilian market. It provides valuable insights that drive strategic decision-making, enhance user experience, and increase the effectiveness of marketing strategies. Therefore, when exploring the world of mobile applications in Brazil, it is essential to recognize the crucial role played by this tool in the success and continuous evolution of digital companies in the country.

Benefits of App Analytics

Among the benefits of using App Analytics, the following stand out:

1. Collecting accurate user data

It is possible to access real-time data that provides insights into what users need or want. You can obtain information about the most appreciated features or functionalities of your application—and the elements that may not be working as well. This precise data collection can help you address the right issues, plan updates, and make relevant additions or changes. 

2. Tracking business goals

With App Analytics, you can easily determine the acquisition channels that generate the highest customer lifetime value (LTV). This can help you track business goals and develop essential marketing and engagement strategies according to the budget.

3. Increased user engagement and retention

Mobile app analysis also allows you to analyze the complete user journey within your application. The reports enable you to see which content users interact with and when they decide to exit. Having all this information makes it easier to identify areas where you can make improvements to enhance engagement and retention.

4. Provide personalized, customer-focused marketing 

It is possible to create a personalized experience for the customer, as the tool provides valuable information about user profiles and behavior that you can use to create effective marketing and reengagement strategies.

What metrics can I measure in my application?

App Analytics tracks various key performance indicators (KPIs) or quantifiable indicators of app performance. It is important to select the most relevant KPIs based on the goals you want to achieve. Here are some of the most commonly monitored metrics:

Revenue KPI Metrics

These KPI metrics help determine if your app generates enough revenue to be sustainable, how much you spend on your marketing efforts, and if you are achieving a good return on investment (ROI). In this case, it is possible to track customer acquisition cost (CAC), cost per installation, conversion rate, user lifetime value (LTV), purchases, and average revenue per user.

User experience and performance KPI metrics

User Experience (UX) metrics and performance KPIs provide data related to the technical performance of your application, determining how easy it is to successfully use the app. These metrics help identify performance issues in the application, such as bugs, slow loading, or layout problems. The UX and performance KPI metrics that you can track through App Analytics include: devices and operating systems; loading speed; screen resolution; time spent in the app; task success rate; user error rate; and error reports.

Engagement KPI metrics

As the name suggests, these metrics highlight user engagement in the application. In general, the more engaged users are, the more revenue can be generated. The main engagement KPI metrics that mobile app developers or owners track include: churn rate; retention rate; average screens per visit; session duration and depth; and active users.

Discover some of the App Analytics tools

Here are some of the most used and well-known application analysis tools (App Analytics):

These tools are just a few of the many available in the market. Choosing the right tool depends on the specific needs of your app and the analysis goals you want to achieve. It’s important to evaluate the features of each and consider how they integrate into your development process and marketing strategy to decide which one is most suitable for your case.

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