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Technology in agribusiness: discover benefits and possibilities

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The agricultural sector, known as agribusiness, plays a fundamental role in the global economy, supporting various industries. However, it also faces a series of challenges that require innovative and technological solutions to ensure food security, environmental sustainability, and economic growth.

It is estimated that the demand for food will grow exponentially in the coming decades, further pressuring the sector to produce efficiently. Amidst this, there is a need to address issues such as the limited availability of fertile land, water, and energy, necessitating more sustainable and creative practices.

There is also an increase in the occurrence of extreme events such as droughts, floods, and changes in temperature patterns, affecting crop productivity and distribution.

In this scenario, investment in modern technologies and automation in the field has been decisive in overcoming barriers and bringing more efficiency and control to operations.

In this article, we discuss how technology has transformed the agribusiness sector and which technologies have been driving this movement. Enjoy the read!

Benefits that technology has brought to the field

Technology has played a transformative role in the field in recent years, bringing a series of benefits to agribusiness. Below are some of the main benefits it provides for the sector:

Productivity increase  

The use of precision agriculture, drones, sensors, and automated irrigation systems allows for more efficient crop management.

With access to detailed data on soil, weather, and crops, farmers can optimize the application of inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides, reducing waste and maximizing crop yields. Furthermore, the automation of repetitive and labor-intensive tasks increases the efficiency of agricultural operations, freeing up resources for other activities.

Monitoring and cost reduction

Remote monitoring technology allows farmers to track the development of their crops in real time and quickly identify issues such as pests, diseases, or water deficits. With this information at hand, it is possible to take swift and precise actions to control these problems before they become severe, thereby preventing losses and reducing expenses associated with more expensive treatments or crop loss.

Predictability and assertiveness in decisions

Access to accurate data from sensors and advanced software enables farmers to make more informed and strategic decisions. They can anticipate market demands, plan resource usage based on projected weather conditions, and implement cultivation strategies that are better suited to the specific context of their properties. This provides greater predictability in outcomes and a more assertive approach to their actions.

Product traceability and quality

Technology has facilitated the implementation of traceability systems in agribusiness, allowing products to be monitored at every stage of the production chain, from planting to the end consumer. This ensures that food is produced following quality, safety, and sustainability standards, providing consumers with greater confidence in the origin and production process of the products.

In summary, technology has been a transformative agent in the field, bringing a range of benefits, from increased productivity and cost reduction to improved product quality and more informed decision-making. The intelligent use of technology in the agricultural sector has proven to be crucial in addressing current challenges and ensuring a more sustainable and productive future for agriculture.

Main technologies that have boosted agribusiness 

The technologies that have driven agribusiness are diverse and are revolutionizing the sector. Below are some of the main ones:

Digital agriculture

Digital agriculture encompasses the use of technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), sensors, drones, and Data Science in agribusiness. These technologies enable real-time data collection and analysis, environmental parameter monitoring, task automation, and decision-making based on accurate information. Digital agriculture is revolutionizing the way operations are conducted, allowing for more efficient and sustainable management of activities.

Vertical and indoor farming

Vertical and indoor agriculture is a growing trend in agribusiness. This approach utilizes controlled environments such as greenhouses and vertical farms to cultivate food more efficiently, reducing water usage and optimizing space. LED lighting systems, automation, and environmental control enable year-round cultivation regardless of external weather conditions, providing greater control over growing conditions, increasing productivity, and reducing environmental impacts.

Softwares and apps 

Specialized software and applications for agribusiness are becoming essential for the efficient management of agricultural operations. They range from crop monitoring platforms to farm management systems, allowing farmers to access important data and information in real time, facilitating planning, decision-making, and process automation.

Cloud computing

Cloud computing enables the efficient and affordable storage and processing of large volumes of agricultural data without the need for significant investments in local infrastructure. This facilitates the sharing of information among various stakeholders in agribusiness, such as farmers, researchers, agronomy experts, and the industry, enabling more effective collaboration and valuable insights.

Data Science, Machine Learning and AI

Data science, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are revolutionizing precision agriculture. These technologies enable the analysis of large sets of agricultural data, providing valuable insights into soil, climate, crops, and production conditions. With these insights, farmers can make more informed and strategic decisions to optimize production and process efficiency.

Smart devices

The use of smart devices such as sensors, drones, and GPS is becoming increasingly common in the field. Sensors monitor parameters like soil moisture, temperature, and nutrient levels, providing real-time data that allows for precise adjustments in agricultural practices. Drones can map extensive areas, detect issues in crops, and apply inputs with greater precision, saving time and resources.


Blockchain technology is being applied to agribusiness to enhance traceability and transparency throughout the food production chain. With Blockchain, it’s possible to create immutable records that track the journey of food from the producer to the end consumer, ensuring the authenticity, quality, and safety of products.
These and other technologies are driving innovation and digital transformation in agribusiness, providing benefits such as increased productivity, cost reduction, more informed decision-making, higher product quality, and a more sustainable approach to agriculture. The smart and integrated use of these technologies has the potential to address challenges in the agricultural sector and make food production more efficient and sustainable.

How to increase profits through technology?

Technology plays a fundamental role in improving the profit and financial performance of agribusiness companies. Task automation and the use of advanced machinery streamline activities such as planting, harvesting, spraying, and crop management, resulting in greater production efficiency and, consequently, higher profits.

In addition to increasing productivity, technology also contributes to the reduction of operational costs. The use of sensors and monitoring systems allows for precise application of agricultural inputs, preventing waste and reducing expenses related to resources such as water, fertilizers, and pesticides. Task automation also reduces the need for manual labor, resulting in cost savings on labor.

Another benefit provided by technology is the expansion of business horizons. E-commerce platforms enable companies to reach consumers in broader geographic areas, increasing business opportunities and access to new markets. Furthermore, technology enables traceability and product quality assurance, which can lead to higher demand.

Technology is also a driver of innovation in agribusiness. Through advancements such as biotechnology, Artificial Intelligence, and precision agriculture, companies can develop new techniques, products, and processes. This innovation not only allows for the offering of differentiated and higher value-added products but positions companies as market leaders, increasing their competitiveness and, consequently, their profits.

Addressing the challenges of the agricultural sector is essential to ensure long-term food security and sustainability. Investment in technology has been crucial in driving the growth of agribusiness and enhancing the efficiency of agricultural practices.

The pursuit of innovative and sustainable solutions is an ongoing commitment that brings together governments, producers, and companies on a journey to address the challenges of agribusiness and promote a more prosperous and sustainable future for agriculture (and for society as a whole).

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