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The three pillars of Digital Transformation in companies

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In a digital world, companies who want to stay competitive and growing need to embed technology in all processes. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the pillars of Digital Transformation to make this change in a structured way.

Adhering to Digital Transformation goes way beyond just being present on social media. It happens at the strategic level,  in the company’s culture, and in people’s routines. That is the reason it is not so simple to implement it on well-defined pillars. 

Do you want to know what these pillars are and how to implement them in your business? Keep reading!

The benefits of Digital Transformation for businesses

Before understanding the three pillars, we need to understand how the company benefits from Digital Transformation. Here are some examples: 

Efficiency gain

The first point is the expressive gain in efficiency, with more technological, virtual, and connected processes. Data integration and automation are largely responsible for eliminating rework, saving time, and reducing costs

So, instead of having isolated sectors, the company can connect all of them with management software. This increases efficiency and facilitates the automatic exchange of information. Digital Transformation will be an ally in the replacement of manual processes and the improvement of its steps.

Better customer satisfaction

To improve the customer experience, the company needs to be well-organized internally with agile processes and a high level of efficiency.

After that, it is possible to go further and use Digital Transformation as a meaningful source of data supply and analysis about the target audience and the market. Based on this, effective strategies to personalize the service and deepen the relationship with the audience can emerge.

Management control

It is much easier to track data about what happens in the company in a digital universe. Each operation leaves behind a trail of all the routes it made. Thus, any failure or inefficiency can be properly investigated, and the process can be improved.

These solutions give managers more control of the situation and help them make smarter decisions for the future of the company.  It is possible to organize operations simply and efficiently, solving bottlenecks and adjusting everyday details.

Greater competitive advantage

With all the benefits we have seen so far, one can predict that Digital Transformation brings an important competitive edge with it. The company that does not join is missing opportunities to better understand its audience, work in a more organized way and create attractive solutions. 

The technological innovations available today, allow the company to distinguish itself from the competition. For this to happen, it is important to keep an eye on the trends, benefit from competitive advantages and embark on initiatives that can align with the profile of their audience.

Simplification of processes

We tend to believe that the bigger the company the more complex its operation is. But that is a mistake. Most big corporations have only become the powerhouse they are by simplifying their internal processes. Thus, the basic works just fine.

Therefore, new technologies also change the dynamic of the business. Systems integration, collaborative performance, and operations in a digital environment facilitate the daily routine. With automation and upgrades happening in real time, all processes become natural.

Cost reduction

If your organizational management is specifically focused on cost reduction, you should not ignore Digital Transformation.  Its various solutions, such as Cloud Computing, can result in a significant reduction in operating costs.

With a reduced need for local physical infrastructure, in-person meetings, traveling, impressions, and so on, the company can focus on what is important. Without compromising security, and business and customer data protection.

The 3 pillars of Digital Transformation

After learning about the benefits of Digital Transformation, it is time to find out what its pillars are.

1. Customer Experience

Digital Transformation has no value if it is not focused on customer experience and satisfaction. People’s lives have been deeply affected by technology. Processes that used to take hours or days to happen are executed in record time today.

Therefore, when we talk about customer experience, the virtual environment is essential to offer good results, whether with consistent social media interactivity or a smart chatbot. You need to be prepared when it comes to fast and efficient solutions

In addition, the virtual environment itself is ideal for capturing relevant data about consumer behavior. This helps you understand what their preferences, expectations, and needs are.  Only then will you be able to develop ideal tools and products to serve them.

2. The transformation of business models

New technologies and Digital Transformation transformed the way business worked. Bureaucracy and slowdown are two unacceptable characteristics in today’s competitive environment. Therefore, the desired speed depends, above all, on a structural change in the business model.

Today, it is necessary for the business to count on a model that supports this speed, both in decision-making and execution of tasks. There is no use in being fast but inefficient. The good opportunities are in the balance between these characteristics. 

With good software, you can make the business smarter, faster, and more strategic. Improving processes, predicting market movements, and deeply knowing its needs are essential to responding to them. Therefore, you cannot be afraid of making mistakes and investing in flexible management.

3. Operational processes

Digital Transformation happens in the day-to-day of the business. The efficiency, agility, and intelligence we talk about will be demonstrated in the operational processes. Therefore, it is necessary to modernize processes, follow new demands, and, mainly, deliver satisfactory results.

Process Automation  is important in the digital age. The use of technology is crucial to give agility to manual tasks, without giving up precision and quality. This allows employees more time to devote themselves to working on strategy. 

This is how the company will gain fluidity and dynamism to deal with unforeseen events and make truly innovative creations. Thus, taking care of internal processes is not only a requirement but a way to stay competitive.

BRQ, your partner in the Digital Transformation journey

BRQ Digital Solutions has almost 30 years of experience in the Digital Transformation sector and vast experience with businesses from the most varied segments. This has brought us the credibility and recognition we have today. 

We operate in the complete development cycle, from the conception to the materialization of digital products. We focus in Innovation, productivity,  value delivery and Customer Experience.

We work with Lean and Agile methodologies, co-creating with our clients, custom-made high-level solutions, tailored to their needs. We help your business position itself strategically in the market.

Do you want to bring the pillars of Digital Transformation into your business?  Contact us!

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