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Even facing the biggest crisis of all times, with the pandemic forcing the world economy to step on the brakes, we can still look into the future and plan our investments. By saving and investing money, we will have better conditions for facing another crisis. Better yet, it is to be able to count on a solution that offers a better experience for the investor.

One of the largest Brazilian banks, known for its innovative spirit and purpose of encouraging people to grow and companies to prosper, has been partners with BRQ to develop products and services for a long time. The most recent one is transforming the investor experience.  

The objective was to create a transparent and uncomplicated platform to search and compare investments from the national market. All of this is 100% for free. A disruptive, innovative, and impartial movement from the company, which also provides and presents investment options from its competitors.  

When autonomy and customer needs become increasingly more relevant, the financial institution, with the partnership of BRQ, developed a tool that transforms the digital experience of the investor. Keep reading to learn more about this digital evolution partnership!

The customer challenge

Its main objective was to increase the number of people with knowledge in investments in society and, consequently, bring more investors to the market. The challenge was to win people’s trust by providing them with a platform with public and reliable information, seeking to simplify the ‘economic terms’ so that more people could have information to decide where to invest their money.

In a very objective way, the bank wanted to simplify information about all market investments reliably and impartially and free of charge.  The mission was to bring together a highly specialized team in Digital Transformation to create solutions focused on customer experience.

Gustavo Angulo, the IT Project Coordinator at BRQ, points out that ‘to count on highly experienced professionals from BRQ to work on the project was a facilitator. BRQ, together with the client company’s team, worked throughout the entire process of development and construction of the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) and today actively participates in the evolution of the product through research, journey definitions, and preparation of prototypes and strategic discussions. According to the Digital Transformation philosophy, the focus is to generate greater added value to the end customer in an agile way.

In addition to focusing on customer experience and strengthening brand reputation, the goal was to create an unbiased product that showed the most suitable results for each customer. Regardless of which bank offered the investment, transparency was essential to win public trust. Then the challenge became to gather all this information in an accessible way to the users.

The solution

BRQ and the bank co-created a tool for searching and comparing investments with products from the entire market (including competitors), providing content for those who want to learn how to invest. The tool offers transparency, accessibility, simplicity, credibility, and, as the main differential in the market, the projection of profitability.

It is possible to research products according to the amount you want to invest and compare the results before deciding where to invest your money. This is all 100% free and impartial. The methodology is based on economic projections that consider each fund’s characteristics, history, performance, markets, financial scenario, and other relevant information. Based on this information, thousands of simulations are made in different scenarios, from the most pessimistic to the most optimistic one, to calculate the projections. When using this information, it is essential to know that projections are neither a guarantee nor a promise of profitability. They are only estimates close to reality and may or may not correspond to it because they depend on many unpredictable factors. The projections are calculated using the same methodology used for bank funds and funds from other institutions opened for at least three months, looking at the next 12 months and updated monthly.

The process of developing the solution

The role of the team was to group three attributes into one solution: financial education, access to free information with autonomy (self-service), and profitability projection. The work began with the discovery and research phase, in which analysis and benchmarking were performed to understand how to transform these requirements into a viable product for the consumer.

Many research and studies were made to build personas, understand the user’s journey, elaborate prototypes, and MPV definitions by analyzing customer information and research. All this process was developed using the concept of Strategic Design so that the customer acquires new experiences and not just a product.

Fernando Branco, the UX Designer at BRQ, who worked directly on the project, explains that the great challenge was creating a Data-Driven, innovative solution for everyone, with the customer at the center of the strategy and with an inclusive design. ‘The entire process was guided by the usability and accessibility of the product. It was necessary to understand the main pains points of customers on the digital journey of seeing and comparing investments, from the beginner investor to the most experienced one.’

Gustavo also highlights BRQ’s commitment to creating a complete solution that is constantly improving. ‘The innovation cycle at BRQ that we used for this project is infinite. It is not only a project, a prototype, or a screen but a complete product. The cycle is endless: deliver, learn and improve.’

The results

Even though many audacious results of the solution can only be measured in the long run, such as more people with investment knowledge in society and more investors for the entire market, the project’s key results have been achieved.

There were more than 100,000 hits when the project was launched, and after three months, there were more than 350,000 hits. And the approval rate, from the user’s feedback, was 75%. Indicators show the potential of the platform to become the new ‘Trivago of investments”, an affectionate nickname it received from the project team. 

How can your company access these improvements?

This case proves BRQ’s competence in transforming businesses and adding even more value to the customer through Digital Transformation. This can also be your story!

BRQ has been in the market for almost 30 years and has consolidated itself as one of the largest technology companies in Brazil, promoting a Digital Transformation journey for major brands from different segments searching for innovation.

This diversity of performance brings a more consistent vision of business challenges. It translates into an end-to-end services platform capable of performing in different stages of the digital journey.

The company drives innovation, maximizes productivity, and accelerates value delivery for the best customer experience, with strategic partners, both international solutions manufacturers and B2B solutions startups invested by BRQ itself.

Now that you have learned more about BRQ, how about taking the next step to accelerate your company’s transformation? Contact us, access our solutions, and contribute to the development of your company!

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