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Product inspection is one of the essential activities for the proper functioning of the production chain in any company. However, due to the safety measures imposed by the quarantine, many organizations attached to old business models have seen their performance and results stagnate or even fall as a result of the crisis.

The COVID-19 pandemic is causing profound changes around the world – including the Digital Transformation in companies. Part of this involves implementing digital solutions that allow organizations to continue to operate even in the current scenario of social isolation.

However, even in a recession scenario, Bradesco Seguros managed to innovate and overcome the challenge of inspecting more and better online without any physical contact between its operators. The insurance company has been using Inspectos, BRQ Digital Solutions’ new solution. 

We prepared an article to show how BRQ’s new product inspection solution works and how this tool can strengthen your company’s operation.

About Bradesco Seguros

Specialized in auto and home insurance, Bradesco Seguros’ “Auto/RE” has a portfolio of approximately 1,6 million vehicles and more than 1.1 million homes insured and develops and manages products that are a reference in the market. The company has 18.2% (Feb 2020) of the home insurance market share in the country. 

Bradesco Seguros’ need: to maintain product inspection safe

‘The initial focus of the partnership with Bradesco Seguros was the management of field service provision and collection of customer feedback. Due to the change in the scenario, Bradesco chose to quickly adapt to the change and make its model more flexible by providing self-inspection to protect the health of customers and service providers,’ says Andre Luiz Antunes, Product Director at Inspectos. 

By analyzing the current scenario and comparing it to the period before COVID-19, we can see the solution’s full potential. According to Antunes, Bradesco’s results were very promising: ‘the number of self-inspections by the insurer increased by 25%, from the beginning of the pandemic to the end of the first semester of 2020. The success rate of the inspections also increased by 79%, and the number of reports analyzed within 24 hours increased by 82%.’

The new technology allows a fast and straightforward inspection and can be performed by the customer(self-service). It is a safe and agile alternative to the visual inspection method that requires a technical surveyor.

‘We quickly transformed our inspection operation in the auto, residential, and business segments to adapt to the new scenario imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. We intensified the self-inspection model of vehicles and properties. We have noticed that this greater agility and security in service further increased our policyholders’ satisfaction, adds Rodrigo Herzog, Executive Superintendent at Bradesco Auto and Ramos Elementares, a Bradesco Seguros company. 

The user receives an SMS link providing access to the insurance company’s system to perform the inspection. Following the instructions of the app, the insured fills out a small questionnaire with information about the product and directly sends photos for a technical inspection evaluation by the insurance company.

The Inspectos solutions by BRQ

Inspectos is an intelligent product inspection platform, geolocated and 100% digital, that allows the management of the entire inspection chain in a practical, easy and intuitive way. The tool enables from operation management to operational fraud analyses.

The new solution serves the end user, service providers and insurance companies, such as Bradesco Seguros. The platform has two versions. The first one is Service Provider Management, aimed at professionals who use the mobile app to collect information from their customers.

The second one is Self-inspection, designed for the end user who can perform self-service by accessing an SMS link sent by the insurance company or a service provider. This way, the customer himself can inspect the product and share the information with a technician through the platform, online and without any physical contact.  

Focused on product inspection, Inspectos is the most complete multi-business solution, aiming at expediting risk inspections, digitally integrating the entire process from the request to the delivery of the report.

Do you want to learn more about how Inspectos can transform your business? Contact us, and we will answer your questions!

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